Friday, November 26, 2010

be strong guardian

dear bloggers,
hear dis story bout a couple . they always together, no matter what
they smile together, laugh together, cry together n even naughty together . hehe :) one day, they make a promise, a promise that they will never leave dis relationship . they promise they always together . they always be strong . the girl always hold his ring when she miss him <3 the boy will play the guitar when he miss her <3
u see,
they sweet together, maybe sometimes they fight, but then they get along :)
when they kiss, they know, that they love each other . when they hold hands, they will never let it go <3
even they have a trouble, they always strong n be one . they understands each other . she trust him n he trust her :D
i always pray that this couple will last forever :)
this sweet awesome couple is GUARDIAN ANGEL <3

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