Friday, November 26, 2010

be strong guardian

dear bloggers,
hear dis story bout a couple . they always together, no matter what
they smile together, laugh together, cry together n even naughty together . hehe :) one day, they make a promise, a promise that they will never leave dis relationship . they promise they always together . they always be strong . the girl always hold his ring when she miss him <3 the boy will play the guitar when he miss her <3
u see,
they sweet together, maybe sometimes they fight, but then they get along :)
when they kiss, they know, that they love each other . when they hold hands, they will never let it go <3
even they have a trouble, they always strong n be one . they understands each other . she trust him n he trust her :D
i always pray that this couple will last forever :)
this sweet awesome couple is GUARDIAN ANGEL <3

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

to etasha afrina ;)

since b couple gan bb , mcm2 idea dtg dlm kepala otak b . ni lah yang terbaik b buat , nama design ni an "E POWER" . sbb capital e tuh yang bagi idea ni sume at b . capital e tuh nama bb la , etasha afrina ;) i love you bb , b mintak maaf dgn apa yg dh jadi . kita berubah okayh ? 

Friday, October 22, 2010

b, i've edit your photo

well, ok x ? bb saje edit . dunno what to do meyh ;( sorry bout td . bb bkan xblas fb, bb terlupe nk logout n then terus bukak picnik edit pic ni T-T i love you b . bb xpena hilang tau x

Friday, October 1, 2010

2months !!!!

2months n still counting b :)
1.i love you
2.i miss you
3.i adore you make me the happiest girl in kL
having agreat time with u n i enjoy it very muc guardian . mmuah <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22 SEPTEMBER 2010 [ L O V E ]

hey bloggers !!!
da lame xtulis story at dis blog :) well, theres a lot of thing happened between me n my guardian that is mohd fadhil . today, kitorang jumpe :D
n something awesome-sweetest thing hapened !!!
OMG <3
p.s: rockers couple da 1month 3weeks 3days babe !!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1 bulan ;)

bb , b tk thu mcm mana nk luah kn apa yg ada dlm kepala dgn hati b . lirik 1 2 3 4 ni maybe bole tlg b luah kn ;) so enjoy it . but remember , i'm always loving you , tk kira lah apa sekali pun yg jadi . by the ways , b mintak maaf if ada terkasar bahasa or buat bb sedih . b mintak maaf

give me more lovin then i've ever had.

make it all better when i'm feelin sad. 

tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.

make me feel good when i hurt so bad. 

barely gettin mad, 

im so glad i found you.

i love bein around you. 

you make it easy, 

as easy as 1 2,1 2 3 4

theres only one thing two do three words four you.

i love you.

i love you

theres only one way two say those three words 

and that's what i'll do.

i love you. 

i love you

give me more lovin from the very start.

piece me back together when i fall apart. 

tell me things you never even tell your closest friends. 

make me feel good when i hurt so bad. 

best that i've had. 

im so glad that i found you.

i love bein around you. 

you make it easy as easy as 1 2,1 2 3 4

theres only one thing two do three words four you.

i love you.

i love you

theres only one way two say those three words 

and that's what i'll do.

i love you.i love you

i love you

you make it easy, its easy as 1234

theres only one thing two do three words four you i love you  

i love you

theres only one way two say those three words

thats what ill do i love you 

i love you

i love you i love you. 

one two three four i love you.


i love you

i love you